Wednesday, November 19, 2008


God, it's obvious how busy I've been by my extreme lack of updating really anything outside of Six Pixels (but that's because I can throw ten comics into the delayed upload, and it'll do it for me. I did almost forget to put in today's yesterday, but I did! And now I just have to scribble one out for tomorrow, and I'll be fine).

The show, "The Last Encomniasts," is FRIDAY, 7PM, HOLLOWAY HALL. Doors open at six. If you have a student ID, up through Thursday you can purchase tickets at the information desk in the University Center for $5. (ANY STUDENT ID WORKS). At the door, tickets are 7$ with student ID, and 10$ without. The show runs approximately 2 hours.

I have two papers I have to crap out between now and Friday, four complete from scratch outfits to make and parts of others to do basically by tomorrow. I AM NOT SLEEPING OH GOD.

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